Best-Teks are here to Help! Upgrade your Hardware, Troubleshoot a problem, replace parts, or find Computer Solutions. We are qualified Microsoft and Apple Technicians ready to help with your Computer, Printers, Tablets, Cell Phones, or Web Server needs..... Serving in Fairfield, Westchester and Putnam Counties.
PC Computer / Windows
Desktop, laptop, printers
Virus removal, Desktop & Laptop repair, Networking, Custom computers, Consulting services, Hardware installs, Data recovery, Tune-ups, Computer cleaning, Wireless solutions,
Trouble-shooting, Memory upgrades.....learn more
Mac Computer / OS X
Desktop, laptop, tablets, or phones
Replace Screens, Virus removal, Desktop & Laptop repair, Networking, Custom computers, Consulting services,
Hardware installs, Data recovery, Tune-ups, Computer cleaning, Wireless solutions, Trouble-shooting, Memory upgrades.....learn more
Servers & Networking
Setup and maintenance
Small-Medium Businesses up to 50 Employees Network Setup, Maintenance, Local & Cloud Backups, Windows Servers, User Accounts & User Data Backups.....learn more
Cyber Security & Firewall
Installations and Setup
Firewall installations in Businesses or HomeOffice networks can help you achieve Cyber Security from cybercriminals who often attack Electronic Systems, Networks, Computers, Mobile Devices, Programs and Data....learn more